English Bicknor Local History Group
About Us
The group has its origins in the village’s 1998 meeting for ideas for the Millennium, where work on the book on 20th century Bicknor began.
The Big Lottery funding for refurbishing the Village Hall included money for starting up new community groups and initiatives, one of these was the Local History Group. Brian Carne and Averil Kear invited all those interested to attend an informal meeting, 36 people said they were keen to join and Claire Scales and Eric Warden-Heggie were agreed as joint chair. The Group formally launched in October 2009 with Eric Warden-Heggie’s talk on the Pinfold.
We meet bi-monthly in English Bicknor Village Hall with a range of speakers including professional archaeologists, ex-miners, cavers and local researchers.
Claire Scales (Chair) rcscales@hotmail.co.uk 01600 773220
Rebecca Lacey becca.lacey@outlook.com 07564 062416
Ann Butcher 01594 861243
The Parish Council and most other records are housed with Gloucestershire Archives
- the Parish of English Bicknor in the 20th Century Brian Carne (Ed) November 1999