Bicknor Carnival Queen and Attendants
Standing - Ted Gwillam
Thanks to Daphne Gwillam
The Rock Inn
Symonds Yat Railway Station
Mailscott Lodge
Symonds Yat Railway Station c.1910
Play in the Village Hall
Thanks to Brian Carne
Carnival float outside Dryslade Farm
At front, L to R: Millicent Foster, Marg Gwilliam, Gertie Hall, Mrs Tintern. Seated with beret: ?Mrs Little
Thanks to Daphne Gwilliam
Bicknor Dramatic Society. She Stoops to Conquer. 1933
L to R standing: ? , ? Douglas Matthews, ? , Ernest Gane, ? , Ted Gwilliam, ? , ? , Mrs Lilian Teague, ? , Ben Gwilliam, Henry Machen. Seated: Arthur Gwilliam, Joan Machen, Dorothy Crombie, ? To raise fund for the new village hall the Machen family started a dramatic society. Six plays ran before the war raising £100. This was the first. The first two plays were staged in the schoolroom, the rest in the hall. Mrs Betty Williams went to Eastbach in 1942 and says the Drama Society was still functioning then.
Thanks to Brian Carne
Hubert Knight's Auster J1 which was flown from Eastbach, 1950s
Aerial photo by Donovan Wilson, Hereford c.1952-6
Given for community use by Anne Falkner (Falkner's to the Post Office in 1967). She was given them by Tony Liddiard. ?Tony's plane was used and he was given some prints in appreciation. Shows the first group of Red House Lane houses (built 1949-52), Smith House, The Row (demolished c.1956), the School House and the Pound House but do not show Arnells (built 1959).
Thanks to Brian Carne
Aerial photo by Donovan Wilson, Hereford c.1952-6
Given for community use by Anne Falkner (Falkner's to the Post Office in 1967). She was given them by Tony Liddiard. ?Tony's plane was used and he was given some prints in appreciation. Shows the first group of Red House Lane houses (built 1949-52), Smith House, The Row (demolished c.1956), the School House and the Pound House but do not show Arnells (built 1959).
Thanks to Brian Carne
Mr & Mrs Smith of Other House's Golden Wedding party in Village Hall, 17 Aug 1953
Thanks to Brian Carne
Mr & Mrs Smith of Other House's Golden Wedding party in Village Hall, 17 Aug 1953
Standing: Mr & Mrs Luther Jones, Mrs J Voyce, Mrs Locke. Sitting: Mrs Bright, Mr & Mrs H Smith, Mr & Mrs F Smith. Front left: Mrs TS Gwilliam. Front right: George & Phyllis Ambry(?).
Thanks to Brian Carne
Outside Village Hall
Harry Smith, Rev Hutton
Thanks to Daphne Gwilliam
Bicknor Cricket Team outside Village Hall
Played in field behind White House
Thanks to Brian Carne
Bicknor Cricket Team outside Village Hall
Thanks to Brian Carne
Bicknor Cricket Team outside Village Hall
Thanks to Brian Carne
Berry Hill Cricket Team, 1953
Winners of Verderers Cup and Lady Shelley Rose Bowl season 1953
Forest of Dean Papers. Thanks to Brian Carne
Coronation Football March, Youth Team. 1953
Standing: Mr Milton, Bill Creed, Albert Jacobs, Harold Smith, Wilf Powell, Billy Farr, Lewis Helmsley (referee), Frank Williams. Kneeling: Ken Farr, Pat Moan (Milk Marketing Board), Ronnie Farr (captain), Ronnie Jones, Denis Edwards
Forest of Dean Papers. Thanks to Brian Carne
Mrs Machen presenting Coronation football trophies, at Pool Meadow (in front of Bicknor Court( 1953
Captains of the Veteran and Youth teams: D Smith and R Farr. In the background, above shoulder level: Colin Williams, Mr Short, Brian and Mrs Farr, Nelson Helmsley, Bill Creed. To Mrs Machen;s right: Michael Jacobs, Ronnie Morgan
Forest of Dean Papers. Thanks to Brian Carne
Coronation Match at Pool Meadow, Veteran XI. 1953
The Young 'uns played the Old 'uns to raise money for the children's party. The Old 'uns thoroughly beat the opposition. Such was the enthusiasium that a meeting was held 29 May at New Inn to start a village football club. Standong: Lewis Hemlsy (referee), Ralph Baldwin, Hugo Newton, Nelson Hemsley (goal), Ted Gwilliam, Joe Parry, Harry Little, Mr Milton. Kneeling: Len Lewis (St John's Ambulance), Ray Creed, Bill Walker, Don Smith (captain), Ivor Morgan, Gilbert Hoare
Forest of Dean Papers. Thanks to Brian Carne
Coronation Match at Pool Meadow, Veteran XI. 1953
Forest of Dean Papers. Thanks to Brian Carne.
Bicknor Flower Show Committee c.1956
Standing: Islwyn Waite, William Tintion, Nelson Hemsley. Seated: George Pavitt, John Hall, Henry Machen, William Walker (Secretary), Fred Yemm. The show this year was opened by Peggy from the Archers (Thelma Rogers).
Forest of Dean Papers. Thanks to Brian Carne
Bicknor Flower Show winners, 1952/3
L to R: Nelson Hemsley, Miss Lucy Smith, Harold Price, Jack Smith (Harvey Cup), Mr Carter of Cheltenham (Judge), Peter Gibbs, Islwyn Waite, Harry Helmsley. Redgate Silver Cup presented by Mrs Redgate of Bicknor House for the best entry from a child.
Forest of Dean Papers. Thanks to Brian Carne
Harry Helmsley with the Bicknor Cup at Bicknor Flower Show 1949/50
Mr Hemsley died Feb 1956. The first flower show was held 23 July 1949 and ran for 10 years. The Misses Harvey gave the challenge cup for the competitor achieving the highest number of points. The event concluded with an auction of entries.
Forest of Dean Papers. Thanks to Brian Carne
Fancy dress outside Village Hall
Smith, Ruth Pople, Jenny Cooper
Thanks to Daphne Gwilliam
Bicknor Carnival
Gerald Gwyn, Phil Gwilliam
Thanks to Daphne Gwilliam
Bicknor School photo, 1959
Thanks to Daphne Gwilliam
Bicknor Carnival, Snow White float with Ted Gwilliam's tractor c.1958
Ann Butcher at front with Mum; Welsh hat worn by Lyn Baldwin
The original Village Hall bar
LtoR - ?, Dave Hemsley, ?, Julie Barrat, Daph Gwilliam, Phil Gwilliam, ?, Ted Gwilliam
Thanks to Daphne Gwilliam
Symonds Yat Rock Lodge Motel dining room with bar
From leaflet when Motel owned by Pam and Laurie Cappell
Anniversary celebrations for Church and Primary School
Thanks to Daphne Gwilliam
Fancy Dress Party for Church & School anniversaries
Pat and Sam Symonds
Thanks to Daphne Gwilliam
Symonds Yat Rock Lodge Motel
Pram Race to Village Hall: St Mary's Church 700th anniversary, School's 150th anniversary
Thanks to Daphne Gwilliam
The first bar in the Village Hall
Thanks to Daphne Gwilliam
Bicknor Carnival, Football Team's float c.1966
Ann Butcher to left as Queen of Poland
Thanks to Ann Butcher
Pram Race to Village Hall
Thanks to Daphne Gwilliam
Pram Race to Village Hall: St Mary's Church 700th anniversary, School's 150th anniversary
Thanks to Daphne Gwilliam
Bicknor School photo, 1960s
Back Row L to R: Mrs Jones, Michael Quaglia, Maurice Smith, Mervyn Long, Clifford Hemsley, Peter Turley,
Vivian Gunter, Brenda Creed, Carol Williams, Audrey Jacobs, Marie Quaglia, Janet Gane,
Michael Creed, Dennis Williams, Paul Walker, Malcolm Gwilliam
Bicknor School photo, 1960s
Row 1: Paul Jones, Christine Farr, Kevin Tomlins, Andrew Toomer, Royston Jones, Barry Robins, Anthony Harris , Denise Jones. Row 2: Norman Cowmeadow, Lynn Baldwin, Maureen Smith, Alison Roberts, Jeffrey Teague, Graham Farr, David Jones. Row 3: Hilary Johnson, Simon Harris, Lloyd Gwilliam ,David Gunter, Jeanette Madden, Jean Pavitt, Ruth Pople, Ruth Knight, Tony Creed, Ann Lewis. Row 4: May Walker, ?, Marge Gwilliam, Mrs Dowle.
School nativity play in Church, 1980
Thanks to Ann Butcher
English Bicknor Infants, 1979
Back - Mrs Pepper, Stephen Jones, Andrew Napper, Joanne Liddiard, Caroline Gwilliam, Emma Williams, Duncan Tippins, Kevin Farr. Middle: Ben Rich, Stephen Hemsley, Philip Jones, Nicky Jones, Cathy Hester, Edward Gwilliam, Paul Price, Gregory Deakin, Peter Gwilliam. Front: Rachel Butcher, Natalie Seymour, Zoe Pritchard, Sally Gwilliam, Nicolet Barret, Sarah Lander, Jessica Jupp, Andrea Oakley
Thanks to Ann Butcher
English Bicknor School teacher's retirement
Standing - Sally Gwilliam, Helen Brooks, Emma Williams, Cathy Hester, Lucy Hester, Dominic Rich, Justina Barrett, Samantha Elmsley, Debbie Creed, Nikcy Jones, Simon Walker, Derek Oakley, Joseph Butcher, Claire Price, Sarah Bedford, Natalie Seymour, Sophie Mant, Bryna Barrett. Standing to one side - Cathy Napper. Sitting - Nicholette Barrett, John Furnival, Joanne Lyddiard, Andrea Oakley, Peter Gwilliam, Edward Gwilliam, Stephen Emshey, Duncan Tippins, Andrew Napper, Rachael Butcher, Zoe Pritchard, Sarah Lander, Victoria Poll. Kneeling - Vicky Lander, Miriam Morse, Helen Gwilliam, Mark Gwynne, Philip JOnas, Gregory Deakin, Timothy Bibby, Timothy Hall, Steven Jones, Paul Price, Benedict Rich, David Newton, Wayne Jones, Lara Barrett, Anoushka Dunkley, Owen Salmon
Thanks to Ann Butcher
Bicknor Post Office Stores
Kathleen Rossiter, Ann Faulkner
Thanks to Ann Faulkner
Bicknor Post Office Stores
Kathleen Rossiter, Ann Faulkner
Thanks to Ann Faulkner
Bicknor Post Office Stores, 21 Nov 1983
Thanks to Ann Faulkner
Bicknor Post Office Stores, 1983
Ann Faulkner
Thanks to Ann Faulkner
Bicknor Post Office Stores, 1983
Thanks to Ann Faulkner
Bicknor Post Office Stores
Gerald Faulkner
Thanks to Ann Faulkner
Bicknor Post Office Stores
Thanks to Ann Faulkner
Bicknor Post Office Stores
Ann Faulkner
Thanks to Ann Faulkner
Wyedean Group WI Choir, Dec 1985
Thanks to Ann Faulkner
WI Awards, Oct 1985
Thanks to Ann Faulkner
View towards Church, 16 Feb 1978
Thanks to Ann Faulkner
Works outside Post Office to put in new drain, Mar 1972
Thanks to Ann Faulkner
Road opp. Post Office in snow, Feb 1978
Thanks to Ann Faulkner
Village Hall in snow, Feb 1978
Thanks to Ann Faulkner
Road outside Post Office, 1976
Thanks to Ann Faulkner
Village Hall, 1976
Thanks to Ann Faulkner
Post Office van in snow, Jan 1968
Thanks to Ann Faulkner
Post Office & Stores, Jan 1967
Thanks to Ann Faulkner
Post Office & Stores, Jan 1967
Thanks to Ann Faulkner
School pupils in Church, 1980
Thanks to Ann Butcher
Village Hall interior, party for Treasurer Harold Smith
Phil Gwilliam speaking
Thanks to Daphne Gwilliam
Bunting outside Dryslade Farm & parade for Church and School annniversary
Thanks to Daphne Gwilliam
Fancy Dress Party for School & Church anniversaries
Thanks to Daphne Gwilliam
Fancy Dress Party for School & Church Anniversaries, outside Village Hall
Thanks to Daphne Gwilliam
Pram Race to Village Hall: St Mary's Church 700th anniversary, School's 150th anniversary
Thanks to Daphne Gwilliam
Queen's Silver Jubilee in Village Hall, 2 June 2003
Thanks to Harold Capsey
Queen's Silver Jubilee in Village Hall, 2 June 2003
Thanks to Harold Capsey
Victorian Supper in Village Hall, 10 Dec 2004
Mark, Chris, Jane, Rev. Val, Barbara B, Barbara W, Audrey, Dallas, John, Ken, Joan, Coreen, Joan, Andrew, John W, Mary, David W
Thanks to Harold Capsey
Victorian Supper in Village Hall, 10 Dec 2004
Ken, Joan, Coreene, Joan, Andrew, Laurence, Sue, Brian, Debbie, Hill, Brian
Thanks to Harold Capsey
Victorian Supper in Village Hall, 10 Dec 2004
Harold Capsey, Coreen, Joan, David P, Maryse, Rob, Mary, David W, John W, Helen, Jane, Dallas, Harry, Dallas
Thanks to Harold Capsey
English Bicknor School leavers' photo, 2007
Miss Hall, Mrs Alliston, Steven, Charlotte Butcher, Beth Cooper, Mr Phillips, Liam Jones, Paul Aston, Victoria Broady, Theo Scott
Thanks to Ann Butcher
Picnic and teddy drop in Churchyard to celebrate bell restoration, 8 Sept 2007
Thanks to Harold Capsey